Hello Parents,
I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far and is ready for the new week ahead. I think I will just jump into the scripture for this week...
April 16th
"Father's, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes the Lord" Ephesians 6:4 (NLT)
Heavenly Father, I pray that you would help me to give proper discipline and instruction to my child(ren). I pray that you would help me not to provoke my child(ren). I pray that you would help me to be the parent that I need to be so that my child(ren) will be the person you created him/her to be.
April 17th
"God's business is putting things right; he loves getting the lines straight, setting us straight. Onnce we're standing tall, we can look him straight in the eye." Psalms 11:7 Message
Heavenly Father, I pray that you would set my child(ren)'s life straight. I pray that he/she would stand tall in all situations. I pray that he/she would have boldness to stand for what is right in all things.
April 18th
"But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what GOd is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, and don't take yourself too seriously-take God seriously." Micah 6:8 (Message)
Father God, your word is so clear on how we are to live. I pray that my child(ren) would take you and your word seriously and follow your guidelines for living. I pray that my child(ren) would be fair, compassionate, and loyal in your love.
April 19th
"See that no one pays back evil for evil, but always try to do good to each other and to all people." 1 Thessalonians 5:15 (NLT)
Dear God, I lift up my child(ren) to you today. I pray that he/she would always try to do what is good to others. I pray that he/she would never repay evil for evil.
April 20th
"So the, let us aim for harmony in the church and try to build each other up." Romans 14: 19 (NLT)
Dear Lorde, I pray that my child/ren would strive to live in harmony at all times. I pray that he/she would be an encourager so that others will be built up.
April 21st
"Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occassion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere." Ephesians 6:18
Heavenly Father, I pray that my child(ren) would have a lifestyle of prayer. My prayer is that he/she would pray daily for every aspect of his/erh life and those around him/her.
April 22nd
"This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!" 2 Corninthins 5:17 (NLT)
Precious Lord, Thank you Lord for making us a new person when we ask you into our hearts. Father pray over my child(ren) today and speak life into his/her situation as he/she begins a new life. He/she is no longer bound by what he/she did in the past. My child(ren) now belong to you.
Parents I hope these scriptures are giving you encouragement for your prayer life over your children. God's Word is powerful and I know I'm already seeing changes in my children's life as well as mine.
I pray blessings over you as you continue to pray over your children.
A Parent's Heart - Shannon
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